Friday, September 17

iPod Touch 4

If you know about Apple and the new iPod Touch 4, I suggest you skip to the part where it has a line.

Once upon a time a company named Apple brought a device named the iPod into the world. It was amzing. It is famous so not going to explain it. Then later on came the iPod Touch. It was touchscreen had awesome features that you already know about. Then Apple came up with the iPod Touch 2G and the iPhone. And The iPod Touch 3G and iPhone 2G and 3G. Apple also made another iDevice (iPod, iPhone) called the iPad, which is a bigger iPod Touch with more features. Then Apple made the iPhone even more popular with the iPhone 4. Had awesome features like retina display. Then came September 1st and Steve Jobs (Apple CEO) introduced a whole new line of iPods and some other stuff (iTunes 10, Apple TV, and so on). It all on their website which is at The new iPod Touch was the iPod Touch 4G which is what I am going to talk to you about. But I   feel bad about those people who have no idea what I am talking about, so if you're clueless then click on the following links, and if you still are then I have to tell who to go Google it!

So after you are done reading those or already are familiar with Apple stuffa (say it stewff-A) read more.

Can you believe this is about the iPod Touch 4 and already there is a paragraph about Apple. I should get a reward for being able to sidetrack so well. Guess I have to start a new paragraph since this one is messed up.

The iPod Touch is ALMOST a iPhone 4 without the Phone. But since you can make calls and text with an iPod Touch, "It is also a iPhone without a contract" quote from Steve Jobs. It has retina display, a camera (facing both front and rear), faster processor, HD video recording, its thin, iOS 4.02, and comes in different size models.  My username is iamsolazy3 so hopefully you would catch on that I am pretty lazy. So here is a great review of the iPod Touch 4 at engadget: This post would be a waste of my time and yours if I just talked about Apple and gave you links. So I will talk about the iPod Touch 4 myself. I am also getting tired of constantly writing  iPod Touch 4, iPod Touch 4, iPod Touch 4 so lets abbreviate it to iT4 (iPod Touch 4 > iTouch 4 > iT4).

Retina Display 

   Yes it has a retina display. This feature is more of a cool thing more than like WOW THAT MAKES ME WANT IT. Unless you like retina displays. It is like the iPhone 4 which has crisp stuff and looks bright and easy to read. They say the iT4's big bro (the iPhone 4) still has an upper-hand on this somehow. It has to do with brightness or something. Its not a big deal. Mostly everyone knows about this clear retina display so lets move on.


Theres a camrea in the iT4!!!!! Now thats the kind of thing that someones going to look at and say COOL I WANT IT IT HAS A CAMERA AWESOME. Now calm down. The rear camera (back) does not take no HD pics like the iP4 (iPhone 4). It is 0.7 MP and for those who are not familiar with these units, then I stole a pic from engadget:

from engadget [original from here]

  The iT4 is not as crisp and clear looking as its big bro. So when someone says it has a camera don't freak and say THE IPHONE 4 SUCKS THE ITOUCH 4 HAS IT ALL! But on the other hand don't say THE ITOUCH 4 SUCKS THE IPHONE 4 IS SO MUCH COOLER. I will explain why. If you need to upload a pic to Facebook or Twitter or your Blog or something, your not going to need an HD pic. The camera the iTouch is fine for that. It is not good enough to print pictures with it. So don't take a picture of yourself and print and expect the amount of ink it wastes to be worth it. Just for uploading to somewhere, or for just a keepsake. If you want some photos that are like for The New York Times, than this is not your thing. 
It also has a front camera for Facetime.

There is also an option for HD video recording!!! Now don't ask how this is possible it just is. Instead of boring you with some techno stewfa I am just going to steal this video from engadget.

from engadget

This video was made with an iT4. Pretty sweet if all you want is something to upload to the web (as in internet not spider web).

If you have any other questions then go to the review from engadget. There are some new features in the OS version, but other than that all you need is a wrap up. Here it is: Then iTouch 4 is a great device which became more than a media player, it became a mini computer, plus the addition of a camrera.

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